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Writamins monthly writing tips are short, practical, and fun to read. Sign up here!
Clarity + Credibility + Connection
We prepare teams to write clearly and confidently amid the pressures of constant communication. Our process equips them with the mindset and tactics to strengthen credibility, increase influence, and generate new possibilities.
Written Communication Trainings
All online and onsite trainings are customized to your unique needs.
Every program teaches basic tactics for effective communication;
every tactic generates benefits to your organization.
What we do
1. Clarify your purpose
2. Adapt your language to compel your audience
3. Transform chaos into order
1. Deepen your connection with your customers
2. Increase your credibility and influence
3. Improve efficiency to reduce costs and increase revenue
Writing for the Real World
How do successful business people produce results from their writing?
By targeting their readers and using words that move minds and hearts.
We know the rules, and we know when to bend them.
You’re learning from pros, so you enhance your own credibility
These courses are taught by professional writers who are also seasoned writing trainers. Elizabeth Danziger has been published by major publishing houses such as Random House and Harcourt Brace. Her work has appeared in many national magazines. With 30 years of experience as a Written Communications Expert, she is an established expert on writing. Why learn from general-skills trainers when you can learn from pros?
Your training is based on your organization’s writing needs, so you’re not buying a “cookie cutter” training.
Your needs come first. Extensive customization of the training materials means that participants practice their skills on material that comes from your organization’s writing samples. Customized training means a more targeted solution and increased transfer of learning. When people write better, your organization produces better results.
Your training is engaging!
With plenty of exercises and opportunities for interaction, the Worktalk trainings move quickly. Subjects that were terrifying in school become engaging and interesting in these lively programs.
Your training has proven results
Clients report significant, long-lasting improvement in written communication after participating in Worktalk’s trainings. Throughout the United States, Worktalk has enabled participants to streamline their organizing process, eliminate persistent errors, and drastically cut their revision time. When staff writes well, organizations often see their bottom line increase.
Our blogs
Become a Better Employee, Manager or Leader
- Learn to Master Your MovesAs a speaker, your body communicates as much as your words. Your facial expression, vocal tone and inflection, posture, gestures, and even attire have a powerful effect on your audience. Body language, also known as nonverbal communication, is a key element of impression management at work because people form snap judgments of your personality and professionalism based on the nonverbal cues they perceive.
- How to Lose a Job Before You Start: Costly Resumé BloopersYou would think that when a person applies for a new job, they would take care to put their best image forward. People agonize over whether to wear the blue or brown blazer to the interview, but, amazingly, they don’t proofread their resumés for basic… Read more: How to Lose a Job Before You Start: Costly Resumé Bloopers
- Begin with the end in mind: the key to purposeful writingThe Talmud asks, “Who is wise? He who sees the end from the beginning.” Stephen Covey echoes this in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People when he urges us to “begin with the end in mind.” Many writers plunge into their work without a clear destination. They don’t stop to think about their goals, but hope their reader will manage to decode the message about which they themselves are unclear. But this approach wastes time and is unlikely to achieve results. Successful writers think about their desired outcome before they even touch the keyboard.
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Clarity + Credibility + Connection
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Take Your monthly Writamins!
Writamins monthly writing tips are short, practical, and fun to read. Sign up here!